We postponed Bella's second birthday celebration until we returned to Dallas. Chris's parents came for the weekend, that morning we went to the Arboretum and then after nap time we had cake and presents. Bella still refused to eat the cake so we had cake while she opened her presents. She received lots of great stuff, an alphabet toy and really cute clothes from Gran and TomTom and a baby doll with stroller, a play tent, a couple of books and a puzzle from her mommy and daddy. She seemed to enjoy everything. She also received gifts before her birthday from family in Georgia, the dress she is wearing was from Aunt Anna and her cousins Matthew and Madison, and then yesterday she received an art easel in the mail from her cousins Ella and Caroline, she really racked up this year!
She seems so grown up to me these days, she talks all the time, saying things like "I don't like it" if you're doing something she doesn't want to do or chasing you around tickling you saying "I got you." She is eating grown up foods with her fork and spoon and drinking out of an open cup and she's out of diapers, it's shocking how fast the last two years have went.
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