Wow, I appear to be terrible at blogging since the last post is Halloween! There is a lot going on these days. Bella's little sister is scheduled for delivery on July 20 (we'll see if she agrees or not). Her kidney measurements were off for a while so I've been having to go for monthly ultrasounds, but Tuesday they said everything was perfectly normal. They also said she has chubby cheeks and a head full of hair (guess that explains my 24/7 heartburn). I'm 29 weeks and she was estimated to be 3 lb 11 oz so that's a pretty big baby so far.
Bella's growing too, she seems really tall to me lately, she can turn the tv on without her step stool and can open doors. She has her first dance recital tomorrow and starts preschool on August 20th. I just wish she would learn to sleep through the night someday soon.
Bella at Easter