I'm crazy far behind on blogging! Sorry about that. I will start with Halloween. It was rather anti-climatic this year. I bought a ton of candy because we always have so many trick or treaters but this year we had maybe 10, it's December and I'm still eating tootsie rolls. We were not planning on taking Bella trick or treating and that's good because she refused to wear her costume. We were just going to have her answer the door in her costume and hand out candy. She did fine when we tried it on before Halloween, wore it all over the house but the night of she wanted no part of it, so we let her wear her Halloween pants and t shirt that Gran and Tom Tom got her (the pants are actually from last year, guess that's a benefit of having a kid that doesn't grow much). We let her have a few pieces of candy and she freaked, she LOVED it, and then got a crazy sugar high. When the children came to the door she would scream "NOOO, my candy, mine, mine." For a few days she demanded candy all the time but luckily that's worn off. I gave her a tootsie roll last night and she threw it across the room, now all she wants is "nanas" - that's bananas if you don't speak toddler.